3 Minute Step Test
The step test is used as a level II screening device. The purpose of the step test is to measure the heart rate in the recovery period following three minutes of stepping. The step test is used only as a screening device and not as a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness.
If the LEMU Member cannot finish the test because of symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness, etc., then he/she will be required to obtain medical clearance either from a County Physician, or their own Personal Healthcare Provider before further testing.
If the LEMU Member cannot finish the test because of fatigue, or scores at the
very poor level, according to the Cooper Institute Standards, then he/she will be required to obtain medical clearance either from a County Physician, or their own Personal Healthcare Provider before further testing.
Equipment Used:
- 12" Bench for stepping
- Clock with sweep second hand or stopwatch for timing test and counting heart rate
- Metronome to help subject maintain cadence in proper stepping rate
- The step test will be administered as a Level II Screening before sit-ups, push-ups and the 1.5 mile run (See Program Packet)
- LEMU Member will step up and down at 24 cycles (up-up-down-down) a minute (metronome setting of 96) for 3 minutes
- Immediately after the 3 minutes of stepping, the Member will sit down. A 60 second heart rate will be taken starting 5 seconds after the completion of stepping.
- If the Member does not complete the test, they will be given the option to obtain clearance from a County Physician or from their own Primary Healthcare Provider
- The Members Score is total 60 second pulse rate following 3 minutes of stepping.
3 Minute Step Test Category - Males
- Excellent <71
- Good 71-102
- Fair 103-117
- Poor 118-147
- Very Poor 148+
3 Minute Step Test Category - Females
- Excellent <97
- Good 97-127
- Fair 128-142
- Poor 143-171
- Very Poor 172+