more PLYO

This cardio blast workout is about 25 minutes long and involves advanced, high impact exercises designed to get your heart rate up very high. Proceed with caution!


  • Get a doctor's clearance if you have any injuries or illneses

  • Substitute high impact exercises with lower-impact moves such as walking or stepping side-to-side as needed

  • Make sure you have supportive athletic shoes

Equipment Needed

  • None

How To

  • Perform each exercise 1 after the other, resting when you need to.

  • Modify according to your fitness level...the time given for each move is just a suggestion--go longer or shorter if you need to.

  • Sip water throughout the workout. When you get tired, walk in place (don't stop moving)

  • Monitor your intensity! RPE should be between 6-9

Warm up
Warm up for 2 or more minutes with light cardio, such as step touches (as shown), or walking. Really use your arms to get your heart rate going.

csteptouch.jpg (10679 bytes) csteptouch2.jpg (8586 bytes)

Side Lunge with Windmill Arms
Stand with legs wide, arms straight out to the sides and parallel to the floor. Bend the right knee into a side lunge and bring the left arm down towards the foot. Come back up, rotating the arms, and lunge to the left, bringing the right arm down towards the floot. Continue lunging side to side (your arms will move like a windmill). The faster you go and the lower you lunge, the harder it is. Repeat for 1 minute.

cwindmill1.jpg (10695 bytes) cwindmill2.jpg (9728 bytes)

Jog in place while pushing your arms overhead. Try to kick high, as if you're kicking your own butt and really use the arms to raise the heart rate. You can also jog around the house or around the block. Repeat for 1 minute.

cjog1.jpg (7488 bytes) cjog2.jpg (4932 bytes)

March or Walk
Walk around the house or march in place for 30-60 seconds.

High Jogs
As you jog, bring your knees up high, to waist level if you can. Land on the balls of your feet and keep the knees bent to absorb the impact. Repeat for 30 seconds.

chighjog1.jpg (6703 bytes) chighjog2.jpg (7180 bytes)

Side Lunge with Windmill Arms
Repeat for 30 seconds.

cwindmill1.jpg (10695 bytes) cwindmill2.jpg (9728 bytes)

Speed Skaters
Start with feet together and jump to the right, landing on the right foot. Immediately take another lateral jump to the left. Keep jumping from side to side, keeping the jumps low to the floor and swinging the arms to add intensity. Jump as far as you can each time, repeating for 1 minute.

cskaters1.jpg (7296 bytes)cskaters2.jpg (6822 bytes)

Heel Digs
Start with feet together. Jump up and land on right leg with the left heel straight out in front of you on the floor. Jump up and switch legs, landing on the left left and bringing the right heel in front of you. Keep the body low to the ground--the higher you jump, the harder it is. Repeat for 30 seconds.

cheeldigs.jpg (5032 bytes) cheeldigs2.jpg (5150 bytes)

March or Walk
Walk around the house or march in place for 30-60 seconds.

Jumping Jacks
Do jumping jacks for 1 minute.

cjumpjack.jpg (5919 bytes)

Begin with feet together and jump up, taking feet out to the side, landing in a low squat. Jump up and bring feet back together (a very slow jumping jack). Swing your arms overhead to add intensity. Do this move for 30 seconds, rest for a few seconds, and repeat for another 30 seconds. This is a tough one!

cplyojack.jpg (7501 bytes) cplyojack2.jpg (6273 bytes)

Ice Breakers
Begin with feet wide. Jump up and land in a wide squat while swinging your right arm around, over your head and down in a chopping motion. Repeat the jump, chopping with your left arm. Repeat for 30 seconds.

cicebreaker.jpg (7775 bytes) cicebreaker2.jpg (6887 bytes)

March or Walk
Walk around the house or march in place for 30-60 seconds.

Jog or march in place while pushing your arms overhead. Try to kick high, as if you're kicking your own butt and really use the arms to raise the heart rate. You can also jog around the house or around the block. Repeat for 1 minute.

cjog1.jpg (7488 bytes) cjog2.jpg (4932 bytes)

Stand with feet together. Squat down and place your hands on the floor next to your feet. In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a push-up position, jump feet back between hands and stand up. Perform 6 reps, march in place for 8 counts for brief recovery, repeat 6 more times. This is a tough one!

csquatthrust.jpg (11117 bytes) csquatthrust2.jpg (6992 bytes)

March or Walk
Walk around the house or march in place for 30-60 seconds.

Cross-Country Ski
Begin with feet together. Jump up bringing the right foot forward, left foot back. Quickly switch feet while alternating the arms with the legs (left arm comes up when right foot goes back). Repeat for 30 seconds.

ccrosscountryski.jpg (8527 bytes)

Jump Kicks
Stand with feet together. Raise the right knee to waist level and then jump, switching legs and kicking out with the left leg (in a knee-up-kick pattern). Repeat for 30 seconds and then switch, bringing the left knee up and kicking out with the right leg, repeating on this side for 30 seconds.

cjumpkick.jpg (6746 bytes) cjumpkick2.jpg (8083 bytes)

Begin in a lunge position, right foot forward, left foot back, both knees at 90 degree angles. Jump up and switch feet in the air, landing in a lunge with left foot forward, right foot back. Repeat for 30 seconds, rest and do it for 30 seconds more. This is a tough one!

cplyolunge.jpg (8928 bytes) cplyolunge2.jpg (8850 bytes)

Side Kicks
Stand with feet together. Transfer your weight to the right leg, making sure your foot is out at an angle to protect your knee. Bring the left knee up and in towards the body as you look to the left, leaning the torso to the right. Extend the left leg out in a kick without locking the knee. Lower back down and repeat on the other side, alternating sides for 1 minute. If you've never tried kickboxing moves before, skip this one.

csidekick.jpg (12333 bytes) csidekick2.jpg (11160 bytes)

Front Kick with Squat
Stand with feet together. Bring the right knee up and extend the leg in a front kick (don't lock the knee!). Lower down into a low squat (knees behind toes) and then kick with the left leg. Repeat (right kick, squat, left kick) for 1 minute.

csquatkick.jpg (4853 bytes) csquatkick2.jpg (6952 bytes)

Lunge with Chop
Step forward with right foot into a low lunge (front knee behind toe, both knees to 90 degree angles) while simultaneously bringing left arm down towards the floor in a chopping motion. Step back and repeat for 30 seconds. Switch to the other side and repeat for another 30 seconds. This is a tough one!

clungechop.jpg (11415 bytes)clungechop2.jpg (11707 bytes)

March or Jog in Place, 1 minute

Power Jumps
This is your last exercise! Begin with feet together. Bend the knees and jump as high as you can while circling your arms overhead. Land with soft knees in a squat and repeat for 1 minute.

cpowerjump.jpg (6331 bytes) cpowerjump2.jpg (5400 bytes)

Cool down for 5-10 with some light walking and stretching

Naturopathic Wellness Clinic

Naturopathic Wellness Clinic
Dr Celeste @ Fitness Rising