Sample workouts
Following are several examples of cardio workouts with different goals.The speeds and times can be modified to fit the individual's ability to hold the heart rate, and for time available. As always, be conservative in the beginning stages, and include adequate warm-up, stretching and cool-downs. You may adjust these workouts for group cycling (change pace for resistance, hills, flats, sprints, etc.), group treadmill and combo group tread/bike class.
Fast walk. A fast walk uses approximately 325 calories. For this program, exercisers mix up faster sprints with slower recovery periods. Speedier walking calls more muscles into action -- specifically the butt, hips, abs and arms. With each step, have members roll from heel through the foot, then push down with the ball and toe into the next step. They should lean slightly forward from the hips.
Walk/run. With a walk/run workout, members use approximately 400 calories.Tossing short stints of running into the walk cranks up the intensity without too much stress. But if the extra impact makes members' joints ache, it is OK to power-walk the running intervals instead. Clients should run tall, but keep the upper body relaxed. Be sure they extend the back leg to lengthen their stride. They should avoid shuffling the feet, pick up their knees with each footstep and keep arms close to the body.
Hill pyramid. A hill workout uses about 325 calories. Walking or running up hills uses calories faster than walking on a flat surface because more effort is extracted in order to climb. With this gradual incline, there is plenty of time to adjust to the higher verticals. Keep a 4 mph (walking) or 5.5 to 6.5 mph (running) pace as the grade slowly increases. Be sure members keep their backs straight, then lean slightly into the incline. Encourage them to take quick short strides rather than long steps. They should lift their knees no higher than 6 inches for steep climbs. Decrease the incline if members' heels feel overstretched.
Group cycling. For a group cycling workout, have members perform a 10-minute warm-up at 55 to 60 percent maximum heart rate, or 30 beats below anaerobic threshold. Then, have them perform the following:
* Six times for 30 seconds each at 10 beats below anaerobic threshold; 30 seconds between each interval
*Three minutes at 20 beats below anaerobic threshold
*Six times for 15 seconds each at anaerobic threshold; recover 10 beats before next interval
*Three minutes at 20 beats below anaerobic threshold
*Two minutes at anaerobic threshold
*Six times for 10 seconds each at 90 percent max heart rate or 10 beats above anaerobic threshold
*Five minutes at anaerobic threshold
*Six times for 10 seconds each at 90 percent max heart rate, or 10 beats above anaerobic threshold
*Three minutes at anaerobic threshold
*Five minutes at 10 beats below anaerobic threshold
*Two minutes at 20 beats below anaerobic threshold
*Three minutes at 30 beats below anaerobic threshold