The Ingredients
Naturally, this is perhaps the most important factor in deciding whether a multi-nutrient formula is right for you. While there are some similarities between some supplements, no two products are alike. In this regard, you can separate the full-spectrum products from their '100% RDI' equivalent.
Although this 100% tag against a list of 17 nutrients may appear impressive at first glance, it is not. These RDI figures relate to the Recommended Daily Intake which are Government-backed figures that were introduced in 1941.
The only problem is that these figures related more to the avoidance of scurvy and rickets than they did to optimum health. We are now 78 years on and widespread use of pesticides, picking of fruits while they are under-ripe, long-haul shipping and mineral depletion of the soil have all made a mockery of these RDIs (Oakley, 1998). If this is all your supplement contains, then the manufacturer knows nothing about your nutritional requirements and you should ensure their product remains firmly on the shelf, where it belongs.