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Seasonal affective disorder treatment: Choosing a light box - "Seasonal affective disorder treatment: Choosing a light box"

Swimming towards Optimal Health

What's New and Beneficial about Sea Vegetables

Sea vegetables may be a better source of bioavailable iron than previously thought. One tablespoon of dried sea vegetable will contain between 1/2 milligram and 35 milligrams of iron, and this iron is also accompanied by a measurable amount vitamin C. Since vitamin C acts to increase the bioavailability of plant iron, this combination in sea vegetables may offer a special benefit.

Hidden Calories

VitaminWater uses the old trick in which the nutrition information on the label is based on a serving size, but the bottle contains multiple servings-leaving you to do the math.
Each bottle contains 2.5 servings of the sugar-sweetened water, so a whole bottle delivers 33 grams of sugar (a can of Coke only has 6 more).
That's a lot of calories when plain water could do the trick. One bottle (2.5 servings) of the Charge flavor: 125 calories, 32.5g sugar.
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Naturopathic Wellness Clinic

Naturopathic Wellness Clinic
Dr Celeste @ Fitness Rising